People Votes About
People Votes About

Gambling (Gambling Harm Reduction) Amendment Bill — In Committee — Reduce gaming machines when relocating venue

7 August, 2013


This Supplementary Order Paper amends the Gambling (Gambling Harm Reduction) Amendment Bill to provide that, if a class 4 venue licence is to be transferred, the maximum number of gaming machines permitted to operate at the new venue at the time when the new class 4 venue licence takes effect shall be no more than the percentage specified in the territorial authority’s relocation policy.

The question was put that the amendment set out on Supplementary Order Paper 290 in the name of Carol Beaumont to clause 13 be agreed to.

Mover of amendment

Photo of Carol Beaumont
Carol Beaumont
Labour Party, List

Votes Not passed by a modest majority

Amendment not agreed to.

Personal Vote

This was a personal vote (or conscience vote) which meant MPs could decide how to vote on their own, rather than having to follow the party position. Learn more on the official Parliament website.

Unusual Hansard Data

Shane Jones appears to be recorded in the Hansard as voting both for and against. This sometimes happens when a Member has a proxy arranged to vote on their behalf but then also attends the vote themselves anyway. In most cases this is noticed soon after and the voting record adjusted. You may want to check the original Hansard sources for this vote.

53 Voted For

68 Voted Against

1 Absent

External References

This work is based on Member of Parliament data from the Office of the Clerk and Parliamentary Services which is licensed by the Clerk of the House of Representatives and/or the Parliamentary Corporation on behalf of Parliamentary Service for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. Full licence available at

It also includes public domain content such as voting information from the Parliamentary debates (Hansard) and information about Government Bills.

Image of Carol Beaumont (resized, cropped) by The New Zealand Labour Party, used with permission.

All original material is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. Full licence available at