Tutehounuku (Nuk) Korako
How Tutehounuku (Nuk) Korako voted
Voted strongly against the End of Life Choice Bill to give people with a terminal illness the option of assisted dying.
Voted strongly against the Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis and Other Matters) Amendment Bill to make it legal for people with a terminal illness or any debilitating condition to use cannabis or cannabis products with the support of a registered medical practitioner.
Voted strongly against the Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill (No 2) to provide that renewal of liquor licenses must not be inconsistent with the provisions of local alcohol policy if there is one in place.
Voted strongly for the Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill to grant territorial authorities a limited power to create bylaws that allow shop trading on Easter Sunday, and enable shop workers to refuse work on Easter Sunday.
3 Nov 2015Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill — First ReadingTutehounuku (Nuk) Korako voted forPassed by a large majority
28 Jun 2016Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill — Second ReadingTutehounuku (Nuk) Korako voted forPassed by a small majority
25 Aug 2016Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill — Third ReadingTutehounuku (Nuk) Korako voted forPassed by a small majority
17 Aug 2016Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill — In Committee — Substantive amendmentsTutehounuku (Nuk) Korako voted forPassed by a small majority
17 Aug 2016Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill — In Committee — Substantive amendmentsTutehounuku (Nuk) Korako voted forPassed by a large majority
17 Aug 2016Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill — In Committee — Substantive amendmentsTutehounuku (Nuk) Korako voted forPassed by a large majority
17 Aug 2016Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill — In Committee — Agree to part 1Tutehounuku (Nuk) Korako voted forPassed by a small majority
17 Aug 2016Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill — In Committee — Agree to part 2 and scheduleTutehounuku (Nuk) Korako voted forPassed by a small majority
17 Aug 2016Shop Trading Hours Amendment Bill — In Committee — Agree to clauses 1 to 3Tutehounuku (Nuk) Korako voted forPassed by a small majority